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Basic Information
General Incorporated Foundation - The Frontier Salon Foundation
Date of Establishment
September 18th, 2013
Fiscal Year
April 1st – March 31st
Description of business
Conducting lectures by young researchers, recommending and selecting speakers, and recommending and selecting the Nagase Prize (once a year).
Board of Directors
【President】 Seizo Miyata
【Directors】 Yasuhiro Koike, Teruhisa Nagase, Kakuji Takano
【Councilor】 Chairman‐Akiyuki Nagase, Hiromichi Oyama, Shin Kato
Office Location
1-29-2 Kichijoji Minami-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-0003
Foundation Committee 25 members (as of 1st January 2023)
(title abbreviations)
Seizo Miyata Representative Director, Frontier Salon Foundation
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
(Former) President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Masuo Aizawa President, Japan International Science and Technology Exchange Center
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
(Former) President, Tokyo Institute of Technology
(Former) President, Japan Association of National University
(Former) President, Executive Member, Council for Science and Technology Policy
Makoto Asashima Academic Advisor, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Honorary Fellow, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Deputy Director General , Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization , Teikyo University
(Former) Vice President and Director, University of Tokyo
(Former) Vice President and General Research Director, Tokyo University of Science
Chairman of the Japan Prize Selection Committee
Toyoko Imae Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University
Honorary Chair Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
(Former) Representative, Cabinet Office, General Science and Technology Council
Hiroyuki Ohno Director, Research Center for Science Systems, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(Former) President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Teruo Okano Professor Emeritus (Former Vice-President) and Consultant, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Director and Professor,Cell Sheet Tissue Engineering Center, University of Utah
Masaaki Kakimoto Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kazunori Kataoka Vice Chairperson/Director-General of KAWASAKI INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION, Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM),
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Takehiko Kitamori Yushan Honorary Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan)
Honorary Visiting Professor, Lund University (Sweden)
Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Academician, The Swedish Royal Academy of Science
(Former) Dean of Engineering, Vice-President, The University of Tokyo
Kiyoshi Kurokawa Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Professor Emeritus, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Distinguished Professor, Tokai University
(Former) President, Science Council of Japan
Chairman of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission by National Diet of Japan (NAIIC)
Takashi Kurokawa Professor, Chubu University
Specially Appointed Professor, Tohoku University
Visiting Professor, Tokyo City University
(Former) Editor-in-chief, "Nikkei Nanotechnology", Nikkei BP
(Former) Staff Writer, Science and Technology Department, Nihon Keizai Shimbun
(Former) Experts committee member, Council for Science and Technology, Cabinet Office
(Former) Visiting Professor, Hokkaido University
Yasuhiro Koike Distinguished Professor,Keio University
Director, Keio Photonics Research Institute
Teiichi Sato (Former) Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the UNESCO
Eminent Scholar Professor, J.F.Oberlin University
Katsuhiko Shirai Honorary Advisor and Professor Emeritus, Waseda University
(Former) President, Waseda University
Koji Suzuki Professor Emeritus, Keio University
Director, JKiC at Keio University School of Medicine
Tomoko M. Nakanishi (Former) President & Professor Emeritus, Hoshi University
Professor Emeritus & Project Professor, The University of Tokyo
Commissioner, Japan Atomic Energy Commission, Cabinet office
Kazuhito Hashimoto President, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
Professor emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Kumiko Bando Director, Japanese Red Cross Society
Director, Tsuda University
(Former) Secretary-General, Consumer Affairs Agency
(Former) Deputy Vice‐Minister, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Mamoru Mitsuishi Vice President, National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
(Former) Executive Director and Vice President, The University of Tokyo
(Former) Dean, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Hideyuki Murakami Managing Researcher, Research Center for Structural Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Professor, Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Waseda University
Visiting Professor, Shibaura Institute of Technology
Member, The Engineering Academy of Japan
Kimiko Murofushi Professor Emeritus, Ochanomizu University
(Former) President, Ochanomizu University
(Former) Auditor, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
Masayoshi Watanabe Professor Emeritus, Yokohama National University Specially Appointed
Professor, Director of Advanced Chemical Energy Research Center (ACERC),
Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS), Yokohama National University
Akiyuki Nagase President and CEO, Nagase Brothers, Inc.
Teruhisa Nagase Senior Managing Director, Nagase Brothers, Inc.
Purpose of Establishment
Frontier Salon was established in July 2010, with the former President of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Mr. Seizo Miyata as a president, to support young researchers who will create the future of Japan.
In September 2013, it was renamed to "The Frontier Salon Foundation" and was recognized as a general incorporated foundation.
Main activities
1) Lectures by young researchers
At a general meeting held once every two months, and young researchers, who have been recommended by members of the Foundation, give a lecture.
2) Nagase Prize Selection and Implementation of Special Lectures
The Nagase Prize is selected at a screening meeting held in August once a year from among the researchers who have given a lecture, the winners are given an award ceremony at the Imperial Hotel Tokyo every September, and a special lecture is held for approximately 1,000 high school students.